

     The current trends in digital conservation and preservation are two fold.  There is the theoretical thinking on the subject as well as the physical containment of the data.  “2007 marked the first year that the amount of digital information created, captured, or replicated exceeded available storage capacity” (Blue Ribbon Task Force 2008).  This has caused the makers and holders of information to think more critically on what information they are preserving.  “We do not produce storage capacity at the same rate we produce digital information.  Even if we wanted to, we cannot keep all of our digital data” (Berman, 2008).  In reaction to this “(m)ore and more policies and regulations require the access, stewardship, and/or preservation of digital data” (Berman, 2008).  In order to keep specific types of information safe the government has introduced policies and Acts such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.  This Act “introduced major changes to the regulation of financial practice and corporate governance” (www.soxlaw.com/).  The entire act is available at http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/15C98.txt. 
     The major trend for the safe keeping of information is the off-site storage of data.  Libraries and archives are either using off-site storage for all, or duplicates, of their information.  The OCLC provides “Digital Archive” which holds information remotely.  It gives the owner of the data the option of using “CONTENTdm” which is “Digital Collection Management Software.”  Other options are Portico whose motto is “Your content.  Preserved here” and ExLibris’s Rosetta.



 Ex Libris Rosetta Digital Preservation System, whose motto is, “preserve your digital assests” gives the user access to a management system that is scalable, flexible, standards-based (based on the OAIS model and conforming to TDR requirements), and accessible.



  OCLC Digital Archive contains systems management, physical security, data security, data backups, disaster recovery, and ISO9001 Certification.   http://www.oclc.org/digitalarchive/default.htm


Portico, whose motto is, “your content preserved here,” offers an information management system that’s goals are usability, authenticity, discoverability, and accessibility.   http://www.portico.org/digital-preservation/


  Berman, F. (2008). Got data? a guide to data preservation in the information age. Communications of the ACM, 51(12), 50-56. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.  Doi:10.1145/1409360.1409376

Blue Ribbon Task Force.  (2008).  Sustaining the digital investment:  Issues and challenges of economically sustainable digital preservation.  Retrieved from http://brtf.sdsc.edu/publications.html

Guide to the Sarbanes-oxley act
. (2002).  Retrieved from http://www.soxlaw.com/.